Lessons in Earth. Each single leaf is adorned in medicine’s symbology! Look inside a network that feeds each finger and it can be re-enforced in the patterns in every single living thing.

Patterns that come OUT and OUT and OUT. Reaching to get nourishment. It is inevitable this reaching. Light beckons humans to succeed, triumph! Get it out and let it rest. This life isn’t meant to be forgotten in piles of dead leaves at the end of its stormy seasons! It is continuing. Continuations get in places that need it exactly when it’s time to receive it. Floods fill cracks in with hydration, silts and eventually salmon come home! Rainbows wash dirty coloured skies in paintings! Fish need storms. Habitats need changing times to replenish nooks and crannies in different materials that balance natures corners in and out. Just like that leaf’s vessels. Once it isn’t summer any longer it starts to starve! But! Oh what an exciting time! Change happens at its highest timeline (apparently :). Yet in a single year the same branch can greet even LARGER leaves until it is adorned in its fullest expressed self. You see it’s times natural expression to seemingly “take” before it gives back in spades once again next round! ✨ LET TODAY’S ACTIVITIES BE SUFFICIENT. LET IT BE OK HOW IT IS AT THIS EXACT TIMING SO IT ISN’T STRESSFUL BEYOND NECESSITY. LET TODAY AS IT COMES, SEEM IN TOTAL PERFECTION AS IT IS ALREADY. ENOUGH. IS TODAY.

Sarah Seads

Wild Seads

Wild Seads Coaching

Sarah Seads are subsidiaries inside the Canadian Corporation Freebird Life Online LTD.




Black Spur Ultra MisAdventures 2023 by Sarah Seads