Black Spur Ultra MisAdventures 2023 by Sarah Seads

“Long COVID can include a wide range of ongoing symptoms and conditions that can last weeks, months, or even years after COVID-19 illness. Anyone who had a SARS-CoV-2 infection, the virus that causes COVID-19, can experience Long COVID, including children.” (


In Kimberly I arrived unwittingly carrying the coronavirus, perfectly asymptomatic. I ended up becoming Extra Sick during this race & the Black Spur Ultra course had me on my knees absolutely begging to carry on at the 50km mark. Unfortunately, after the Black Spur Ultra I experienced coronavirus long term symptoms until just recently and after spending 10 months underground.

At just 25kms of the 108 my body began doing something spectacularly strange.

Entire leg muscle spasms ignited and locked my body into a tin man stance.

I laughed it was so strange. And because I truly had no idea it would lead to my downfall in the race.

I hobbled to the side of the trail to take some reprieve in a patch of shade. Laughing and crying slightly from the sheer pain. A trail angel offered me his extra water and I resisted then rescinded as a wave of excessive spontaneous cramps suddenly migrated across my legs!!!


The distance, 108kms was created in 2 consecutive 54km ish loops. I was half way through the course and approx 54kms into my race when the worst of it kicked in.

The pain was like fork lightening shattering into the depths of my thighs. Every muscle rocking with electrical bolts of sharp pain and clamping down in tonic spasms. For hours. Just a few hours into the course and there I was, stuck in a near totally rigid body, begging for mercy and screaming from the pain.

I kept thinking it would clear up. Because I had never experienced a physical challenge that had prevented my completion other than the Vacation Races ultra along the rim of the Grand Canyon..

My intuition led me to 90kms and then, after puking in the arms of 2 giant trees and curling up to pray for mercy to the blanket of stars above, I asked my body what next? “ENOUGH” appeared inside of my inner vision and so I Did Not Finish. I pulled the pin and took off my Sinister Sports Black Spur Ultra race bib to take my leave.

ENOUGH. The body is AN AMAZING FREAKING MACHINE and I absolutely never get tired of watching it’s magic in action. How did I DNF at 90kms? Grace. HUMILITY and the privilege of placing my body in the throne. Again and again I bow to my QUEEN. She understands SO MUCH more than my tiny pre-programmed mind. Why did I continue into that second lap that fateful day? My heart. It was a journey. The groveling I endured was a significant death and that funeral needed to occur at some point. The veil that does become visible can choke us to ego death. And that is what they are crafted to do. Once we see them, we can’t unsee them (unless we spend a lifetime trying to mend them) and it is only a matter of time (and endless swims in the seas of potential resistance, attachment, grief etc). Veils are meant to fall. It’s only a matter of time once we experience the attachments that have been limiting us. Attachments to resistance, preventing us from accepting reality.


It was a terrible experience and there was so much beauty. I REALLY like the Black Spur Ultra race course!!! The race itself was absolutely seamless from registration to package pick up and start/finish experience and throughout the entire course.

A big outgrown part of my racing ego died on the course that day. And I’m happy for that as it forever adds more light. I only have 2 hands. Do I choose to carry beliefs in them about myself that are wrapped in this physical realm? PAIN & SUFFERING. Judgments. Categories. Fractions.

What is left after we choose to let judgements go from the clinging fist? ACCEPTANCE = HARMONY in all things. I LOVE MY PHYSICAL BODY & WE ARE FREE!

Sarah Seads

Wild Seads

Wild Seads Coaching

Sarah Seads are subsidiaries inside Sarah’s Corporation Freebird Life Online LTD.

Power in Motion - Battery Powered Heated Gloves & Vest Sarah Seads Kinesiologist / Endurance Athlete