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My Cacao + Race Experiment
Cacao is the best food and plant medicine on the planet! (IMO!:). It has changed my physical and spiritual health and well-beingness in show stopping ways and it certainly also makes me happier:)
Cacao! Oh my great love that I didn’t know I needed until I found it in 2021! What a dream ‘she’, this sacred plant known as Mama Cacao in ceremonial circles, has been to me. Assisting in the healing of my physical and emotional being. Launching my Spiritual practices. Assisting with my focusing, attention, meditation, communication and heart health.
I had a ‘synchronistic’ encounter, thanks to my Teacher Ksenia Brief in her Conscious Social Media Mastermind Circle, in March of 2021 and she has been an important part of my life ever since.
I drink and meditate with Ceremonial Grade Cacao nearly every day. I consume this Sacred Plant each time for different reasons: be it for reflecting, introspecting, 1:1 and group connecting, channelling higher Intuitive Guidance through my deep Theta Meditations, focusing, organizing, calming myself, centering, training, racing etc. Ceremonial Cacao is my highest priority plant ally that benefits every aspect of my physical, emotional and mental health! I love cacao! Please dive deeper if you feel called to in this extended blog post here! And you can read along to find out just how WILD I have gotten in my use of this plant (in my Athletics!).
Back in 2021 I had no idea what cacao even was! And perhaps like you, assumed it was just ‘chocolate’. If this is you - feel free to read my overview post on the who what why and how of all things Cacao - All About Ceremonial Cacao.
Next up! A brand NEW adventure, in the spirit of experimentation, I used cacao to improve my endurance, overall health and well-being, which resulted, I do believe, in marked improvements in performance for my sport - trail and ultra running. Fast forward to now and you could say I am a cacao pusher of sorts ;) lol! Only because it has had SUCH a positive, subtle, yet so transformative power in my life. YOU might also see these changes if you feel called to experiment with this and other intuitive plants to support your training, racing, health and life!
Once I was utilizing the medicine of cacao for my rituals and daily meditations it was time to play with her in the trails. What I mean was, I understood this plant had been used by the ancient Mayan’s to travel great distances overland. So why wouldn’t it fuel my sport? I had been guided to fast, using the plant for morning mediations, then not eating until after my mid to afternoon day runs. In the end, after months of continuous use, it seemed my body had been forced to adapt to more fat oxidative performance. By inadvertently using the compounds of this near pure and quite high in vegetable fat plant, my body had switched to fat utilization vs sugar burning to fund it’s playground and maximize energy efficiency (carbohydrate sparing) during the long runs and day to day activities as well. I found I was much more capable of long sustained low to even moderate intense paced running without the need to replenish using gels or snacks. I was running 3 or 4 hours without needing a snack! Add to that my intense use of Pranayama to expand my lung volume and breathing capacity and voila! More adaptation without excessive training found me adept and adapt with much less training and effort than I had experienced in the past.
Add to this the slow release fuel source and you just don't need to supplement with too much above and beyond the basics. So, when I found myself preparing to pack for my last 100 mile run in the summer of 2022 I was pretty certain that cacao would be a part of that. I asked my good friend Kim Senechal to assist me as part of her ‘crewing duties’ and she obliged! Making cacao for me to drink at two separate stages in this 100 mile journey. I thought the cacao would just bring me pleasure, comfort, when the going got tough. But I felt great most of the day and although the thought of cacao did boost my mood, it was the steady stream of fluid endurance fat and my adaptation which seemed to come online to assist me in overcoming the ‘big one’ - and my ongoing ultra race nemesis - the “HB” or heart burn (if you’ve been following me, you know the one!!). Turns out stress reduction through Pranayama, self regulation, meditation AND … CACAO, I believe, can decrease your need to manipulate the bodies over adaptive response to manage the signs of heart burn - namely PAIN and severe burning in the chest. When heightened sensitivity responses decreases, so do the signs and symptoms that give heart burn it’s name. By dually alleviating the excessive stress activation through breath work, hypnosis and meditation, combined with a liquid only ++ Cacao at intervals diet in the race, I did not have a single sign, for the first time in over 10 years of racing ultras, of pain related to acid reflux / heart burn!! It was amazing! Everything came together - but it sure was nice to keep my system moving at light speed, without the need to digest packets of food or gels etc. Just some cacao, lot’s of water and tailwind for sugar and electrolytes. It was a blast!
If you would like to try your hand at experimenting with this and other plants here is what I suggest:
Start slowly - consider this a project, with variables and you don’t want to go overboard, and do too much too fast. Take the time you need and keep track of your variables and results.
Know your sourcing - NOT ALL Cacao is created equally! noooooooo! Be sure to check out my previous blog post to learn what makes true ceremonial level cacao different from the rest - with links to purchase your own cacao from my very favourite of brands.
Be curious and stay open minded! Using your intuition can lead you to places you never knew could exist! This requires open minded and explorative self ness:)
Have fun, keep a diary, know your sources, and trust your intuition for doses and plant sources that could take you to your next level experience and performance!
All About Ceremonial Cacao (with discount code & links)
Do you want to begin to learn more about ceremonial cacao? Perhaps you are wondering what the difference is between cacao and cocoa. If you want to know all about cacao, please read on!
Are you ready to get started on your own cacao journey?
Recently I was featured on the Cacao Laboratory blog in an interview with Jason on all things cacao, training, awakening and merging science and intuition for health, racing and performance - with the help of mama cacao!
If you are ready to purchase ceremonial grade cacao from my favourite brand, Cacao Laboratory, you can start shopping, using my 10% off discount code : SARAHSEADS10 Please feel free to share this code with your friends and family.
I recommend this variety box of four, which includes one bar of each elemental blend so you can get a feel for the different tastes and experiences of each.
Watch this short instagram video to see how I prepare my ceremonial cacao for daily rituals!
Stay tuned as I begin to share more on my personal journey with Cacao. You can join me in my new circle via email, using the link below.
Do you want to begin to learn more about ceremonial cacao? Perhaps you are wondering what the difference is between cacao and cocoa. Or, you may have begun to hear about the amazing health benefits of cacao. Do you want to know how ceremonial cacao is processed? If you want to know all about cacao, please read on!
So much has changed in my life these past 2 years since I experienced a significant energetic spiritual awakening…shifting and moving, growing and releasing, expressing and devoting… Devotion to daily ritual has been a cornerstone of it all, and in the middle of that stone lay the heart of cacao. Cacao is a natural plant, used ceremonially and medicinally in meso America since ancient Mayan time. Traditionally, cacao was used in ceremony as a heart opening medicine, to drop deeper into the heart, in meditation to connect to our deepest truths and in connection to community, to the Other, to nature and to the Self.
Drinking cacao has been a beautiful aspect of my daily ritual though assisting my grounding and easing my connection - to my inner world through heart centred meditation, and to my outer world, through open hearted expansion and loving connection. I’ve even been experimenting with cacao as a super sustainable energy source for body and mind during endurance training and racing, and the effects have been amazing!
Ceremonial grade traditional cacao is loaded with macro and micro nutrients that knock the socks off of the superfood community. Cacao is absolutely loaded with magnesium, antioxidants, calcium, zinc, copper and selenium.
And there is more…:)
Have you heard of ananandamide? How about phenylethylamine? These compounds, known as the Bliss & the Love’ chemicals respectively, are overflowing in every cup of cacao. It is a heart medicine, for more than it’s heart health compounds. Traditionally produced, raw cacao actually re-creates the delicious feelings associated with bliss and love through a chemical structure. Add to that the most talked about compound in Cacao, theobromine, and you can see why this is considered a super food of super foods. The Cacao Tree, called Theobroma, is known as ‘the food of the gods’ for a reason! Theobromine is an alkaloid that acts as a heart stimulant, dilates blood vessels and reduces blood pressure as well as creating a steady, yet alert energy, totally unlike the stimulating effects of foods high in caffeine.
All that, and it also tastes really, really good;)
Cacao is not cocoa and not all cacao is created the same. Cacao is NOT cocoa powder that you see on the baking shelves at the local store. Cacao is NOT the chocolate found in any chocolate bar in your cupboard;). Traditional cacao, is minimally processed and contains all the healthy nutrients including the plants natural cacao butter. Cacao, is the undivided cacao plant, everything included, as it came to be.
Bonus - not only does mama cacao give you the most grounding, feel good start to your day, it doesn’t bring you jitters and can keep excess caffeine away (great swap for coffee!).
When purchasing cacao, the way it has been treated from seed to cup is the greatest factor, I believe, in it’s potency and ability to expand and connect us through the heart. There are strains of cacao, just like any food, that have been ravaged, destroying any medicinal benefits in the process. From injustice on the farm fields to pesticides, over processing, over heating and really, any other commonplace, unethical or unsustainable food production practice, the way cacao is created varies greatly and thus so does it’s benefit to the world, the workers and the people drinking it.
And so! That is why I have partnered with a cacao brand that specializes in the production of true, ceremonial grade cacao - from seed to cup. I have been drinking Cacao Laboratory cacao since the beginning of my journey and it is one of my absolute favourite types of cacao to have in my cup:). Cacao Laboratory was created to bring the spirit of the cacao plant into the hands and hearts of those who are called to expand, connect and step into their purpose in this life.
You can purchase Cacao Laboratory cacao using my affiliate discount code SARAHSEADS10 if you feel inspired! As a proud affiliate of Cacao Laboratory I receive a referral commission when my code is used, at no additional expense to you. Thank you for your support should you choose to use my referral code!
Learn more about the traditional uses and processing of ceremonial cacao by watching the Cacao Laboratory short documentary. It’s really interesting!
Follow my instagram adventures to see how I play with cacao and what we are scheming together next!
Happy cacao ritualling and I would love to share a cup with you one day!
How To Transform Your Body
You have body composition goals. I am here to help. Step 1 Education… let’s get to work! Coach SARAH SEADS
You have body composition goals. I am here to help. Step 1: Education. Step 2: Action. Step 3: Patience. Let's get to work on Step 1...
Gaining Muscle
Gaining muscle takes work. In order to build muscle, the body needs an overload stimulus, sufficient calories, optimal protein and carbohydrate macro ratios, nutrient timing and adequate recovery. Gaining muscle not only increases muscle tone and strength, but also improves metabolism so that we are burning a higher amount of calories every minute of the day. Strength training itself also burns a great amount of calories and results in a significant ‘after burn’ of increased metabolism for the hours following a training session. This combined increase in metabolic rate results in an improved body composition (as more fat is lost). If you want to lose fat- don’t underestimate the power of pushing hard in the gym- cardio alone is NOT the best way to do it.
Gaining muscle takes time, consistency and patience – months and years (not weeks and days). Genetics play a role of course, women usually have significantly less testosterone than men and things get even crazier with menopause, which makes building and keeping muscle more challenging. Initial gains in strength (first few weeks weeks) come from neuromuscular co-ordination, or ‘smarter’ muscles. The neural pathways become stronger, the number of muscle fibres being recruited increases and the synchronicity improves first. Once this has been accomplished, muscles begin to grow (6+weeks) by increasing the size of the muscle cell fibres. Here are some tips to work on when your goal is muscle gain:
Calorie budget – if you are at your ideal weight but want to lose fat and gain muscle, work with a maintenance budget. If you have signficant weight to lose, work with a moderate caloric deficit budget (-250-500 calories per day). If you are at or close to your ideal body fat percentage and only want to put on muscle then you need to create a calorie surplus of +250-500 calories per day along with optimal levels of protein grams/timing.
Macros – hit those protein targets daily no matter what your goal is and aim to get 20-30 grams with each main meal (see Creating Your Own Nutrition Budget post to determine your own targets). Next, focus on your nutrient TIMING , because when you eat, not just how much, can make big differences in your gains. Women in particular (and older women even more so) should focus on getting a mix of protein (15g) and carbs (30-60g) before hard workouts to ensure there are adequate amino acids (protein building blocks) and energy ready to go. Nail your post workout refuelling window (within 30 minutes) – 15-25grams of protein mixed with 30-60 grams of carbohydrate in a liquid form if possible. Whey is more easily utilized by the body to build muscle - if you are vegan, you will want to aim for MORE protein or add BCAAs to your fuelling. Have a good carbohydrate snack or meal before your workout so that you can work HARD and make those gains. Research has shown that eating 10-15grams of protein before bed, can increase protein synthesis and help you get those gains (while you sleep! as long as you are doing the next step..).
Get consistent- strength train 3 days per week and include exercises for all of the major muscles, focusing on compound exercises that use more muscle mass. Include exercises for each major movement 3 days per week- Hip extension (single and double leg exercises) Push (chest and shoulders), Pull (back and shoulders), Rotation (back/core) Extension (back) and Flexion(core). Variety can be beneficial to access different muscle fibres and in different movement patterns- so long as you include exercises for the entire body and add extras for the areas you want more gains in.
Train smart - muscles are stimulated to grow through protein synthesis when they are challenged in a variety of ways: mechanical tension (muscular force ie GO HEAVY), metabolic stress (maintain constant tension on the muscles ie PUMP), and muscle damage (eccentrics, superslows, deep ranges). A variety of repetition ranges have been shown to effectively increase protein synthesis and muscle growth using the methods listed above. If you are working on creating 'tension' the reps will be lower and the weight higher, vs 'stress' the reps will be higher but no breaks between lift and lower vs 'damage' the reps will be mid range, but focus ondeep range of motion and/or slow lowering (eccentrics).
Work hard- log your resistance training workouts and aim to beat your last workout numbers each week. It may not happen every time, but it will happen often, especially if you are new to consistent/smart strength training. Reaching to the next level = overload = adaptation = gains. This reaching can be accomplished by increasing reps or increasing weight or decreasing rest etc.
Be patient! If you are pushing to fatigue/failure, completing multiples sets over multiple days and following optimal macro nutrition timing, you will see results. But including these techniques will cover all of the basis. Everyone responds differently to strength training, however, and so you need to experiment to find out what works best for you.
And for those of you who need help adding calories to make those gains...
Tips For Increasing Calories In:
Boost the calories in your meals by adding healthy fats (nut butters, homemade dressings, dairy, avocados).
Increase portion sizes slightly and add min-meals containing protein and carbohydrates as snacks.
Consume a meal containing 50-100grams of carbohydrates combined with 15-25grams of protein within 30 minutes of your workouts to assist with recovery and protein synthesis.
Add healthy ‘liquid’ meals to boost daily calories – smoothies with fruit and yogurt or skim milk/natural protein powder. Add milk, juice and healthy liquid calories to your daily menu.
Create your own calorie and macronutrient budget using the steps in this post or call me and I can do it for you (Nutrition services!)
Losing Fat
Losing fat takes time, consistency, time and consistency and time. We know that lasting results come from gradual weight loss over the long term. We know that dramatic changes and drastic caloric restrictions rarely result in long term weight loss and maintenance. And that IS the ultimate goal. In fact, the slower it comes off, the longer it usually stays off.
We also know that there are just as many health risks associated with being underweight as there are with being overweight. Learn what a healthy body weight and body composition is. Learn how many calories and nutrients your body needs to thrive and perform the way you ask it. If you haven't already, be sure to read this post about weight management, healthy body composition and creating your ownnutrition 'budget' to reach your goals in a safe and healthy way. When focusing on fat loss through nutrition and exercise, there are a few keys things to work on:
Calorie budget- eat a little bit less each day and each week, over the long term. Too drastic a deficit and the changes will not be sustainable. You must be able to maintain this budget a year from now...and beyond. Start with a small caloric deficit andsee how your body responds when followed consistently (2 weeks). A 250-500 calorie deficit per day is a good place to start. If you have more to lose, you may be able to create a larger deficit but if you have only a small amount to lose you will need to be careful not to cut your calories to low (see the risks of caloric restriction in this post).
Macros – hit your macro’s. Protein, Fat and Carbohydrates are the foods we eat that provide us with calories, energy, buildingblocks and more. Again, read this post to find out how to do this. Make sure you are consuming enough PROTEIN and eating real, quality food 80-90% of the time to stay within your budget and get as much nutrient density as possible.
Do the 'YOU' Diet. I don't write meal plans or recommend rigid diets for my clients. The key to long term success is learning to include portions of the foods that you and your family enjoy within your budget. Use a food log to learn the caloric and nutrient value of the foods you commonly eat- you may be suprised. Find a balance that works for you and learn to include portions of the foods you LOVE within your budget.
Work HARD in the gym. Read about the benefits of strength training in regards to body composition, above. If you want to lose fat and keep it off over the long term, pushing hard in the gym/home with your strength routine is one of the secrets to success.
Move – how many minutes you spend sitting versus moving every day will have a great impact on your caloric expenditure. Get a FitBit. Track your steps. Get up every 30 minutes from your computer. Get a stand up desk. Avoid sitting for hours on end. Go for a coffee walk rather than sitting down with a friend. Make more time for movement and park as far away as possible. Any time you are not sitting is a good use of your time.
Tips for decreasing calories in:
Follow the Nutrition Keys daily and weekly. Set a daily intention and visualize the nutrition keys that you will use each day.
Log your food ‘live’ as the day goes, rather than waiting until the end of the day. Or, even better, enter your meals before you eat them, to see how they will fit into your budget
Increase the size of your breakfast and lunch-never skip or skimp on these meals. Research repeatedly shows that this will prevent overeating later in the day.
Choose high protein snacks, quality (natural) fats and fibrous fruits and veggies to keep you feeling full longer.
Use most of your carbohydrate calorie budget for the meals before (and during endurance sessions over 2 hours) and immediately after your workouts to make the most of this fuel. You will be able to work harder during your training sessions and see even greater results with correct nutrient ‘timing’.
Limit ‘liquid’ calories- alcohol, lattes, sugary drinks and sports drinks and choose water, herbal teas or whole fruits and vegetables alongside protein for snacks.
Emphasize nutrient rich food choices and plan your meals around lean protein and vibrant, colourful vegetables and fruits-5-10/day.
Decrease the amount of empty calories in your diet: limit processed foods, fast foods, junk food and alcohol. This is one of the the easiest ways to create a deficit (or surplus!). Eat 80-90% REAL food every day.
Keep the ‘non real’ foods that you enjoy in your diet in the 10-20% range rather than cutting them out entirely (it won’t work long term, I promise). Learn to choose smaller, snack sized portions of these foods so that they fit within your budget. Cutting them out entirely is a sure fire way to set yourself up for ‘breaking’ and failure down the road. Enjoying them in small amounts, takes away some of the lure and doesn’t make them seem so ‘special’ and tempting. Finding a healthy balance over the long term is the secret to success, happiness and ‘guilt free’ eating!
Focus on portion control: Avoid overeating by eating slowly, using smaller plates, and starting with a smaller serving size. Put your fork down between bites and pay attention to the taste and smell and experience of eating your meals. Do not eat until you are full, eat until you are no longer hungry.
Set yourself up for success: Plan healthy snacks that contain protein and fruits and veggies to avoid overeating later (busy days, on the road etc). Yogurts, cheese, hard boiled eggs, bananas, mandarin oranges, cut veggies, home made energy bars etc.
Drink plenty of non-alcoholic fluid per day- water, herbal tea, soups etc all count as fluid.
Pay attention to ‘why’ you are eating, as part of your logging. Are you hungry? If so, how long has it been since your last meal? Did you eat a good sized breakfast and lunch? Did you have enough protein, fruit & veg and water? Are you eating because you are tired? Stressed? Emotional? Food is for fuel. It will not solve problems, although it may seem like a remedy in these difficult moments. Create a list of healthy alternatives to help you move beyond emotional eating habits - so that you can nurture your body AND mind and feel good about your choices in the future. Emotional? Practice mindful breathing, take a 5 minute walk outside, pour a hot bath, call a friend or do a 15 minute yoga practice. Leave the kitchen and go outside if you need to. The more you practice these alternatives, the more they will become automatic choices.
Ultimately you are in charge of the nutrition and activity choices you make each and every day and you can choose to stay within your budget or go over or under it, any day you like. No stress needed, at all. You are in charge and no one says you have to be a slave to your nutrition or your fitness plan. But do please remember that YOU are making choices every day that effect the direction, speed and ultimately the destination of your health journey. The more frequently you choose to take actions are inline with your nutrition and training plan, the faster you will reach your weight and body composition goals. But you don't HAVE to do it every single day. It really is, up to you.
PS: I often hear people saying 'It isn't FAIR' that so and so can eat XYZ and reach their body composition goals'...or 'so and so NEVER works out and...' or ' I used to be able to eat XYZ and I had no problem.'. Don't waste your energy, time or emotional resources comparing to others or the past. Get clear on your goals, look to the future, figure out your current budget and take consistent steps to stay within it. Focus on YOU, and what you can do each day to work towards your personal health goals. Because, you really can reshape your bodyby personalizing your nutrition and training plan...to YOUR needs. Forget about what everyone else is doing...DO YOU.
Let me know if I can help!
Sarah x
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